Sunday, December 30, 2012

W3: D6 More Creeping

My wife says it takes a week or two for her food / exercise changes to impact her body weight. I'm not sure if I have the same lag, but I'm hoping so, because my weight is just hovering in this low 270s region, even though I've reduced my caloric intake by a drastic amount.

Yesterday we went to Macayo's for lunch with the kids. I ordered the Sonoran Enchilada Sampler, which is a cheese, a chicken with Baja sauce, and a shredded beef with green sauce, enchilada. It also comes with black or refried beans covered in melted cheese, and Mexican rice, and a tiny bit of lettuce and tomato. According to this meal is 1,420 calories by itself, and 3,100 mg of sodium, plus a bunch of saturated fat. I didn't know this when I ordered it, but I suspected it was bad, so I picked all of the meat out, only ate a little bit of the cheese, a bite of rice and a bite of black beans, and maybe 1/3 of the dish, total. That felt good.

Then, late last night after the kids were in bed, my wife and I had a sort of date night on the couch. We ate chips and salsa, and drank - she had a margarita, I had a Stone Vertical Epic 12.12.12 - and we watched the Doctor Who Christmas special "The Snowmen" (which was excellent, mostly because I love the character of Oswin).

Budget: 1683
Food: 1584
Exercise: 0
Net: 1584
+/- : 99

H2O: 40oz

Steps: 3103

Yesterday: 272.2
Today: 273.2
+/- : +1

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