Tuesday, February 19, 2013

050 Breaking it Down

It's been a week since my last post.

I've been hovering at 269 for a while now, and it's pretty depressing, but I'm not doing enough to change it, which is also depressing.

Two nights ago I really started to be annoyed at the fact that I can't just get up and jog, trot, or do anything much more than walk, on the spur of the moment. I used to be able to break into a light run, or even sprint, at will, now I feel like my spine would fall out of my butt and my shins would immediately degrade into splints. I really miss the ease of being able to jog across the street when the crossing signal starts to flash. I find myself having jealous pangs every time I watch an actor break into an easy run.

So, yesterday I took the kids and wife to a running shoe store to get fitted properly for some good shoes. We went to Sole Sports Running Zone, a Phoenix-specific store, and were really pleased with Micaela's attentiveness and knowledge. I'm not putting up this information as an ad, by the way, just informational in case you decide to try them out.

They did video analysis of our running (ok, brisk walk) to see how our pronation was. I had self-diagnosed with over-pronating a couple of years ago, and the video confirmed it. My wife is actually almost perfectly neutral. We each tried on several pair of shoes, different brands and stability levels, I settled on a Mizuno Inspire 8, my wife got something unpronouncable in Nike. We also got some non-cotton socks to go with our new shoes.

My intention is to go out and run/jog/trot/speedwalk around the block at night after the kids are in bed. I failed to try last night, for which I have several excuses, none very valid.

This morning, my weight on the scale is 267.0. Time to get back to business of getting that number down again.

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